Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jazz or Lakers?

Last week Nick and I along with the Booth crew got the privilege of going to the Jazz vs. Lakers game. It was one great game to say the least. I love watching the Jazz. But, what I love even more than watching the game...is people watching. I am like a eagle in its nest watching for prey. I love to find "off the wall" people. I also like to see what the people outside of the "Valley" are wearing these days. I love to say to myself "what the heck" is that? Here are some pics from the game.

The most annoying fans sat right behind us and they kept shouting "Odum your wife is hot." (fyi...he recently married Khloe Kardashian).

Koby--he was feeling a bit under the weather that night, so they say.
I never did find any other Laker fans that could top these guys

Can you find "Waldo" or the Jazz Bear?

I'm saving my money for one of these.

I wonder how many pictures Nick and I are in. I hope we make someone's blog


Ferguson Family said...

OH how I HATE the Lakers. I can't go to Jazz Laker games for fear that I will end up in a fight with somebody like those three that were sitting in front of you. On a positive note that was a nice tat, I think you and Nick should get matching ones.

K.Booth said...

I think that Kobe was faking a broken finger because, Tiger woods has stolen some of his thunder. I still can't believe that same lady was in her same purple hat and sweater.

The Huntsville Dunns said...

From the looks of your pics I think the Valley is a great place for style.....That Lakers fan with his shorts riding up was disgusting!!!!

Wight Family said...

Thanks for finding my friend for me. His hairy face was a dead giveaway!! Yay! And that other friend of mine, her name is Tabitha, she's the one you need to talk to about the tat. Oh and I haven't seen her since junior high. Amazing!!

Lisa Carter said...

Cousie, that my friend is the best reason to go to public events...peoples are so crazy! There has never been a better boost to the ego, than to see a grown man in super short shorts with a wedgie!
Just wanted you to know, that it is a christmas miracle! I've been bustin a gut baby!